Thursday, September 13, 2012

Peace, Love, and Simple Things

Since Kelci's accident, I now have an overwhelming need to live a life of purpose.  I always did, but now it has an intensity and urgency that gnaws at me, pushes me forward and also frustrates me to the core.  I cling to the love, peace and togetherness that surround us in the days and weeks after the accident and have a near frantic urge to keep it burning for Kelci.  I am so afraid that if it slips away, then Kelci slips away a little more.

I'm also frustrated, because I have so many ideas churring about what I'd like to do in her honor, but I don't have a clue how to set them into action.

I constantly have to remind myself that everything doesn't have to be done now, things can wait, and it's best to just let things happen as they will instead of forcing them to happen.  It's hard to be patient.

I plan to create a charity in her honor.  I envision it being called Peace, Love and Simple Things, and any funds raised will go toward helping others in small ways.  I see donations being used to cover things like the cost of school lunches for kids who fall through the cracks or school supplies for those who might not be able to afford them. Maybe sponsoring a child at the school Santa's workshop, or sponsor a youth soccer team in Kelci's name.  There's always small needs somewhere, and I know that Kelci would just want me to do it without fanfare.  I, however, have a need to memorialize her name.  I know she will understand.

I have other ideas for using funds as well.  Kelci was unique.  She did not follow the straight path that society often deems normal.  She tried college, that was not exactly for her, yet.  She thought about going back, when and if she felt the need or if the right career path came to her.  I don't want to do a typical scholarship, but rather one that would have inspired her.

One idea is to fund travel for service trips abroad.  Kelci met a dear friend, Yao, during her one semester at Cazenovia College.  Yao came from Ghana to study in the United States and he created a foundation to help educate the youth of his village.  Kelci was entralled with his project, and even years after they went on their seperate paths she spoke of it with me.  She never gave up hope of traveling there and helping out.  I'm hoping to carry on where she left off. 

I'm planning to establish a memorial charity run in her honor as one way to raise funds.  This year, because planning something big is out of the question, we are starting with a "Team Kelci" and taking part in another run for another young woman who was taken far to soon.  It will just be a way to get together and perhaps will be a jump off point to get the ball rolling for what I would like to do next year, and every year after that, a run for her in October, Halloween themed, because she adored it.  I think she would approve.

I just have to figure out a way to make things happen. They will. I am determined that the message she spread on this planet will carry on through my lifetime.  She was kind.  She was special.  She deserves to be remembered and honored in a very special way.  I don't know that I will every understand why her stay here was so brief, but I know that the only way I will survive is to find meaning and purpose while I'm still here.

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