The pain, heartbreak, utter dispair that I felt then were almost unbearable. I remember just screaming and wishing that I would just die right there, right then, because living for even a second without Kelci didn't seem possible. I also remember begging my mom not to tell people, not to let them in my house, to protect me from everything. I couldn't imagine facing anyone, and hearing them say they were sorry, because that would mean it was real, and I couldn't imagine seeing pain in them and having to try to console or comort them too when pain was more than I could bear. That place was hopeless, horrifically painful, angry, dark, ugly, hateful. There was no peace there. If I had to desribe Hell, I could think of no better way. It was my worst nightmare with no hope of relief. As I type this now, I still have to fight to not let that horror sink back in.
Honesly, it would be very easy to go back there, all I'd have to do is let my thoughts wander there for a few moments, and simply give up, and the downward spiral would be quick. This is why I try to be strong. This is why it's almost an obsession for me to comfort others. This is why I work so hard to find and do positive things to remmber and honor Kelci. It beats the alternative by far, but it is a struggle, and fight every single day.
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