Thursday, May 14, 2020

Mother's Day

Written on Mother's Day, May 14, 2017

For anyone who bravely faces this day with a little or a lot of dread, if you are reading this know that you are not alone.

Maybe your situation is like mine, one of your children is no longer physically here, and this day brings yet another bittersweet reminder, in a never ending string of them, of all you had, of all you no longer do, and provides a stark contrast with the enormous blessings that still remain. You have permission to mourn and celebrate, cry and rejoice. My wish for you is peace.

Maybe your mother has passed away, and this day brings equal turmoil and lack of balance. You may have children, who still have you, but all you want is to hug your mother. You may be that child who doesn't understand. My wish for you is peace.

Maybe you are a woman who never carried a baby to term, or fertility made it impossible. You mourn in silence for what might have been. My wish for you is peace.

Maybe you didn't get the loving mother you deserve, the one that others have, and days like this amplify what should have been. My wish for you is peace.

Maybe more than one of these situations apply to you, and maybe your reason for dread today is different. If this day brings you any  saddness, know that you are not alone. You have permission to feel whatever you feel. It is your story, your heart, your choice. I hope you find happy, loving moments that help you get through. If I can help, know that I'm here. I hear you, I understand and I'm sending you love. My wish for you is always peace.